We hope you enjoyed the Marketing 101 podcast with Brendan McDonald and Ben Law on The Financial Bloke.

As promised here are some tools that we use and are happy to share with you.

Brendan McDonald

Managing Director

The eCommerce Marketing Ecosystem

Do you have an eCommerce store? If so, it’s important to know that a well-built store is just the start is important. 

To thrive, your online store needs some core marketing strategies in place. In short, you need a strategy to 

  • Drive traffic to your store
  • Capture visitor details for your database
  • Remarket to your customers 

This is something, we call the eCommerce Marketing Ecosystem, and it looks a little something like this: 


Want more in-depth information about eCommerce and the different ways to drive traffic to your website? 



Download CoBright’s Guide to eCommerce


Guide to eCommerce

CoBright's Campaign Plan

At CoBright, we use a carefully curated campaign plan, tailored to each of our clients' unique business, requirements and objectives. 

A campaign plan helps you to match up the marketing offer with the right audiences, on the appropriate channel. 

Download our campaign plan and try it out yourself! 


Campaign Plan

Unique Value Proposition Workshop Template & Manual

As marketers, we need to know who your audience is, and what it is about your business that makes it valuable to them. 

This is something you can do yourself with the help of this template and guide.  The end result will be a better understanding of your customers’ personas, and your business’s Unique Value Proposition.  

So, next time you are at an event or party and someone asks you what your business does, you will be able to hit them with your Unique Value Proposition rather than the usual umming and ahhing response. 

Download CoBright's Unique Value Proposition Workshop Template & Manual


Workshop ManualWorkshop Template

Regional Australia’s trusted marketing & web design partner

As a regionally-based marketing and web design agency, we service a range of industries and businesses across Australia.

Our in-house, experienced team of marketing, copywriting, and design specialists deliver proactive and comprehensive marketing solutions focused on real results.

Find out about our ag marketing capabilities 


Ag Marketing