Brendan On Tour

By Ella Paine

Content Specialist

June 2024

During May, our fearless leader Brendan embarked on a road trip throughout regional New South Wales.

His mission? To catch up with several CoBright clients and friends of the business, with a bit of sightseeing along the way. During the course of his trip, Brendan drove over 3600km, featured in not one, but two photoshoots, and provided us with many excellent selfies from his travels!

The week started off with a visit to Agrifunder, based just over the border in Goondiwindi. Their platform supports the growth of agribusinesses across Australia and NZ, by providing flexible access to working capital. 

The following day, Brendan headed for Gunnedah to meet with Mick from Vantage NSW, who we’ve previously partnered with (check that out here!). As licensed distributors of PTx Trimble, Vantage NSW cover a broad catchment area and serve customers from a wide range of growing and farming operations.

Next stop was further into the New England region with one of our current website clients. 3R Beef is in the process of developing a brand new website, and Brendan was fortunate enough to be invited for a look around Lloma, one of the company’s properties. Lots of green grass and fat, happy Angus cattle spotted!

Continuing onto Dubbo the following day, Brendan caught up with Advanced Nutrients which produce fertilisers and biostimulants. We have fielded a lot of interest from different agricultural operations in the last few months, and it’s always fascinating to see the range and variety of businesses that make this industry tick.

Brendan also dropped into Forbes to catch up with the crew from Austasia Animal Products, another one of our marketing clients. The team were happy to show him around the packing facility where they blend and package their range of livestock nutrition supplements, before distribution to producers across Australia. They also took the opportunity to include Brendan in a photoshoot that will feature across the company’s new website and social media channels. It was a great chance to see some familiar faces and get a behind the scenes look at the company’s manufacturing process.

Next on the itinerary was Cowra, where Brendan visited Ellis & Sons, who manufacture a range of agricultural infrastructure including truck tarps, grain bunkers and shade sails. This family-owned business has been a community staple for years, and it was great to catch up with them. This visit was a great chance to discuss our ongoing project with them - a new website! CoBright is looking forward to launching this in the near future, so stay tuned for the big reveal. focused on upcoming projects and how CoBright can help enhance the business’ online presence.

On the last day of his trip, Brendan was able to tick off two more destinations – Young and Albury. In Young, he checked in with one of Riverina Stockfeeds’ mills, with a guided tour provided by manager Nick. This was a great chance to see Riverina’s developments in the area, and their plans for the future of the branch. The meeting was insightful, providing valuable feedback on how CoBright can better support Riverina’s regional marketing strategy.

Last but not least, Brendan caught up with the Bourgault team in Albury. He was just in time for a photo/video shoot which included a testimonial for CoBright’s work with the branch. Over the past few years, we have provided Bourgault with marketing services to help them connect with their audience, sell their products and expand their brand’s presence online. We’re proud to help such a historic company service this generation of growers, providing top-tier technology to help farmers year round.

This road trip throughout New South Wales was much more than a schedule of business calls – it provided Brendan time to check in with the vibrant communities our clients are a part of. Travelling across the region provided him with a deeper understanding of the season, the climate and what each business community needs most from service providers like CoBright.

The insights gained from this trip will help shape our future strategies and enhance the services we provide. CoBright is committed to continuing these valuable partnerships and supporting our clients as they grow and thrive.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about our services, feel free to reach out. We’re here to help!

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