How professional photography & videography elevates your website

By Sinead Harte

Website Account Manager

July 2023

They say that “a picture speaks a thousand words,”  but how much are professional photos worth to your business?

According to the University of Minnesota MIS Research Center, the brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text and 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual.

So, technically, a picture speaks 60,000 words—or in layman's terms, a lot.

And while we aren’t saying you need to flood your website with photos to tell your brand’s story, we are saying that balancing your site with well-placed professional photography, videography, tasteful stock imagery, and engaging copy is essential.

Let’s take a look at how professional photography and videography can take your website to the next level.

Build trust with your clients

It’s no secret, people resonate with people.

Your website and your social media are your audience's first impression of your business, so it’s important to put your best foot forward.

The best way for your audience to get to know your business is to show them. Show your audience what it is like to work with you, your products, and your staff, and what they can do.

Providing your audience with a chance to get to ‘know’ and connect with you will build trust. Whether that be through photos, a brand video, or a combination of both, if your audience can see you and your capabilities, they can picture what it’ll be like to work with you.


Brand identity

One of the best ways to amplify your business’ personality is by showcasing your work, team and story through photography and videography—so, go the extra mile and include visuals that grab their attention.

Photography presents you with the opportunity to highlight your business' values and identity. They allow your potential and current clients to get to know your message and picture how they can fit into that narrative.

Whether your workplace environment is laid back, corporate, or somewhere in between, professional photography shows that you are serious about the work that you do, and most importantly; you’re passionate about it too.

Stock imagery: its benefits, risk and place.

First and foremost, stock images and videos are important, and they play a necessary role in marketing. Our team use them, and so do our clients.   

But, we don’t use stock images to tell a brand’s story, we use them to enhance the story we’re telling.

Stock photography and videography are great to use in places that don’t necessarily need photos of your team. This may be in blogs or for website banners, or in places where you cannot source the images yourself.

Whilst stock imagery and videos can be beneficial, they’re also available to the public, meaning that you run the risk of using the same images as your competitors.

Plus, it’s pretty easy to tell a stock photo from a photo of your actual team in your office.


Can you do it yourself? 

It’s not a matter of whether can you do it, it’s more a question of whether should you do it yourself. 

Depending on what the images are being used for, the answer is different. 

Team headshots, office photography, brand videos, product photos, etc. should be left to the professionals. While a DIY photoshoot is still more authentic than stock photos, there is a big difference between what your phone can do and what a trained specialist can achieve. 

With the combination of their high-quality equipment, experience, and knowledge of lighting, angles, backgrounds and more, a professional photographer/videographer can achieve results you simply can’t get yourself. 

On the other hand, for news, events, and case studies, photos you and your team take yourselves can put a personal touch to your message. This can provide your readers and audiences with a sense of what you were experiencing at the time.

Do photography and videography elevate your website?

With nearly two decades of experience developing and designing websites, we believe that professional videos and photos are essential for taking your website to the next level.

So, our answer is yes, absolutely.

Contact us to learn more about how you can elevate your website with engaging visuals.


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